
New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. Alfred, NY. 2006-2010 Bachelor of Arts- Ceramics Concentration, cum laude.

 2010 (present) 
Work Exchange: The Clay Studio of Philadelphia
2010 May-August
Summer Staff: Watershed Center for Ceramics. Newcastle, ME

Teaching Assistant to Heather Mae Erickson: “Ceramic Systems: Slip-Casting and Mold-Making,” New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY. 

Resident Artist:  Watershed Center for Ceramics. Newcastle, ME
Production Potter: Wellsville Creative Arts Center. Wellsville, NY
Summer Internship with Freddy Fredrickson. Alfred, NY
Internship: Geographics (Graphic Design firm). Riverside, CA

Forming Techniques and Industrial processes: wheel throwing, plaster, silicone, and rubber mold-making, slip casting, press molding, plaster modeling and prototyping, plaster wheel, plaster sledging, extruder, slab roller, CNC Milling, Rapid prototyping, 3D modeling using Rhinoceros 3D.  
Glaze and clay body calculation, formulation, and testing.  
Firing Methods: Electric, gas reduction and oxidation, atmospheric (salt, soda and wood).  
Clay making tools: Muller vertical shaft mixer, Soldner mixer, Shar mixer, Peter Pugger
 Analytical/technical drawing, stretching/preparing canvases, acrylic/polymer paints, oil paints, gouache, watercolor, graphite, charcoal.
Graphic Design and Digital software  
Rhinoceros 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, Arduino, Processing.
Other relevant skills  
Large scale installation, sandblaster, bench grinder, table saw, band saw, compound-miter saw, scroll saw, drill press, jigsaw, MIG welding.

Awards and Scholarships  
2010 Craft, Creativity and Design: Windgate Fellowship Candidate  
2009 Watershed Center for Ceramics Scholarship, awarded by Alfred University.
2006 Art Portfolio Scholarship, Alfred University
2006 Ginger and Marlin Miller Art Portfolio Scholarship, Alfred University